Monday, May 21, 2007

Global Warming Solutions

Root Cause of Global Warming is excess CO2 due to
overpopulation of the planet and FACT we've ALL
been living on "borrowed time", time it took to store
solar energy in fossile fuel that we now consume.
Solar scientists were aware Earth's avg tenperature
tracked solar output up to a 1980 solar reversal that
triggered an imbalance in our atmosphere
We're now faced with "topsy turvy" morals to survive.

Problem, (an undesireable result) is Earth's climate
has -become hotter due to greenhouse gases but the
Root Cause is where excess CO2 comes from? The
Source is OverPopulation of humans on the planet.

Any Viable Soution has to address OverPopulation.
Simply a matter of numbers. Even EFFICIENCY of
operation will be overwhelmed if we continue on
replicating like a species of human-lemmings.

Anything that promotes instability of multiple births
has to be seen as immorally wrong, be it promotion
by sexual driven media or religious right multi-birth
"family values" where too many children born, for it
ensures deaths have to occur downstream in time.

A Solution-
Beliefs of "Immoral Behavior" have to be REDEFINED
Religious values that promote a "Flat Earth" mentality
of "go forth and multiply" have to become OBSOLETE
On a finite, thin shell if a world, thats only 2 miles thick
our "family values" have to be modified to 2kid familys

Policy of promoting high Birth Rates has to be the single
most Ignorant, Immoral policy for it ensures high Death
Rates, and genocide must occur as our Final Solution to
balance out inevitable socio-economic conflicts when aged
and newborn arrive every 3 generations to precipitate a
global socio-economic upheaval as is occuring right now.

Gays ain't the ones having all the kids are they?
So who threatens to destroy our planet by overpopulation?
It certainly ain't the gays, so who is IMMORAL here?
Gays adopt- don't hear about right-to-lifers willing to adopt
babys from the abortion clinics do you? Just like you dont
see Congress sending their children to join the military.

"Facts of Life" have to be addressed if we are to keep any
resemblence of order from our family values. New human
rights have to be addressed along the lines that a citizen of
Earth has the God Given Right to reproduce themselves
ONCE ONLY, means 2 kids per family on the avg

Gays can sell their single right of reproduction to straights
to keep balance. Unless we address overpopulation issues,
we will continue on a course of repeating over & over again
genocide as our Final Solution to bringing socio-economic
upheaval into a balance. To stick one's head in the sand
sand and state"Never Again" is ignoring overriding issues.

Sorry about that
Roger Carmichael, BSME

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Max Planck Institute of Solar System Research
has it that a TIPPING POINT was reached in 1980
where enough of the permafrost, Arctic Tundra
has melted to a point that now it does NOT matter
IF human species curtails CO2 or not since the
previously frozen Bio-Mass of permafrost is now
releasing more CO2 & Methane that we could hope
to mustre> in short, Real HOAX is idea we can do
anything about global warming> its already TOO LATE